Welcome to ESA RN27, the Research Network on Southern European Societies within the European Sociological Association. We share the effort to put together social sciences’ communities in Southern Europe, thus facilitating sociological research and promoting international cooperation on this region’s issues. The network organizes mid-term conferences and sessions at the ESA conferences, besides publications and activities for early career researchers. We highlight the importance of counting with the active participation of researchers and collaborating institutions in the network. Would you join us?

To become a member of the Research Network, you have to become a member of the European Sociological Association and formalize the Research Network affiliation in the membership registration procedure. By becoming a ESA-RN27 member you will support this network’s activity, the organization of its scientific events and publications and the affirmation of this region’s social sciences development. Besides, as an ESA member you gain access to a wide network of sociologists, can accede the association’s journals, receive discounts in publications and pay a lower fee in ESA conferences and in the Research Networks’ midterm conferences. Fees vary between countries and are lower for student members. Hope to see/read/hear from you soon!

To remain informed about RN27, please join our mailing list at the footer of the home page.



Photo: “meeting” by Jaromír Soukup, 19/08/2018

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