RN27 Renewed

The 16th ESA Conference “Tension, Trust and Transformation” has just finished and we had the opportunity to meet again in presence, exchange ideas, debate research topics, have nice times together and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of Porto.

During the Business Meeting we also had the opportunity to elect the new coordinator, co-coordinator and the board:

Inês Vieira (CeiED, Lusófona University)

Olga Salido (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)

Board Members:

Ana Romão (CICS.NOVA, Military Academy)
Apostolos Papadopoulos (Harokopion University, Greece)
Ilenia Picardi (University of Naples, Italy)
Laura Oso (University of La Coruña, Spain)
Manuel Fernández-Esquinas (CSIC, Spain)
Maria da Saudade Baltazar (CICS.NOVA, University of Évora, Portugal)
María Jesús Cabezón-Fernandez (University of Almeria, Spain)
Matilde Massó Lago (University of La Coruña, Spain)
Paola Borgna (University of Turin, Italy)
Teresa Consoli (University of Catania, Italy)
Umberto Di Maggio (Lumsa Palermo, Italy)

Advisory Board:

Andrea Vargiu (Italy)
Daniel Bertaux (France)
Eleni Nina-Pazarzi (Greece)
Luís Baptista (Portugal)
Manuel Carlos Silva (Portugal)
Roberto Cipriani (Italy)
Sokratis Koniordos (Greece)

We really thank you for trusting us and we will do our best to contribute to making RN27 and ESA stronger and more active.

The RN27

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